Friday, September 17, 2010

August 8, 2010

I am so tired today, and I am afraid that I am getting nauseous slowly but surely. Today, we were watching a movie, and my BB rang and it was unknown number. I know usually that is Dr. Kives, but I thought it is Sunday, so I answered. I couldn’t believe it, so I got up and went to the bedroom and closed the door. It was Dr. Kives on a Sunday, she is so amazing! She said that the ultrasound looks good, and I said but they said there was a small bleed and she said not to worry about it, she said that maybe it would be good to repeat the blood test, and I said that they were going to repeat the Ultrasound in 2 weeks, and she said that is good. She told me not to worry, I wanted to ask more questions, but I was afraid that Randy would hear. Once done I went back to the living room and he asked who it was, I smiled and said it is not your business. And he said, OMG it is for a dog, this morning I was looking for puppy on Kiijii. And he kept going on and on. Pretty funny. Then he asked again, so I said how am I supposed to organize a surprise if you keep asking question. He is leaving Thursday, 4 more days…

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